I recently saw a leaflet for something I could be have been interested in. At the point of taking the next step I looked for an email address to email to arrange a meeting to discuss their offering. My impression of this business suddenly did a nose dive on the professionability scale. They had a hotmail email account. Was this a part time business? Another person involved in this business had an email address sexysuzy@……. For the cost of a domain running at around £6 for 2 years, why had they not grabbed it?
I then saw that they had a website with the business domain so why were they not using the domain with an associated email address? This person had a good website so I proceeded to email.
Not getting a reply I telephoned the number on the website but it went to the home phone answerphone. Had I got the wrong number?
It took three weeks for an email reply which was full of apology. Was this person taking their business seriously? Could they cope with the work I was proposing to give them?
We met up and he gave me his business card. Oh dear! I think it was a DIY job from Staples and was completely mismatched to the website. It was poorly thought out, poorly printed and was misaligned. It gave incomplete information and contained spelling mistakes.
This business was giving out all the wrong messages before we had had the opportunity to work together.
The meeting went well but the jury is still out as to whether to use him. I have my doubts.
What is the point of all this? This person could have made a much stronger impact with so little effort.
Had he had a consistent brand image – domain, logo, standard of presentation, my impression would have been very different.
Had the telephone been answered by a human or by a professional answerphone, my impression would have been very different.
Had the initial response been earlier and the final proposal sooner after the meeting, my impression would have been very different
By the time we got to the end of the sale process, I had lost confidence in this person which is such a shame. Time will tell if I made the right decision.